Oprah's Consumer-Decision Making

Oprah’s consumers are her viewers that have been very dear to her for the past twenty-five years. When Oprah Winfrey first national show was on aired on September 08, 1986, her topic was “How to Marry the Man or Woman of Your Choice”. She only had an audience of less than twenty-five viewers.  Oprah pursuance her own audiences to come see her shows, she recruited herself to the streets of Chicago giving away free tickets to her show. Little did anyone would have known she would become a household figure? The viewers have stated that “Oprah Winfrey career, was believed that Winfrey’s success was rooted in her ability to cater to middle-class white women—a significant segment of her viewing audience. Given the popularity of her show—it’s been the highest rated program of its type for two decades—there was an expectation that Winfrey would weigh in more forcefully on issues that directly affected African-Americans”. Her topics always provided viewers with positive, spiritual uplifting experience. She also had compelling interviews, and self-improvement segments. Over the past twenty-five years Oprah has thanked her viewers in some many ways. In 2004, every person on the set of the Oprah Winfrey show was given a new car (donated by General Motors). Every episode Oprah has always given away gifts. On the episodes of “her favorite thing” which was always the biggest give-away. The only year or season that Oprah did not give-away was in 2009, because of the economy.  Her total cost of “Oprah Favorite Things” was about $23.8 million dollars over a span of twenty-five years.  Oprah has always told her viewers “Even the wildest dreams have to start somewhere. Allow yourself the time and space to let your mind wander and your imagination fly.”



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